Rules & Regulation of the Library

  1. The rules and regulations outlined below have been adopted for the safety and convenience of the students and staff.
  2. Only registered members are allowed to use the library, members should always carry their ID cards while using the library.
  3. Library will be open usual working days.
  4. Student will get library card for issuing of library books.
  5. At a time three books can be issued for 15 days and can be reissued on availability of same books.
  6. Up to ten books can be issued to faculty members at a time for a semester.
  7. In case of loss library card / books user will be held responsible and are required to inform the librarian immediately.
  8. In case loss of a library book by a user, same book will be replaced by the user and overdue charges will also be levied. Or double cost of the books will be charges.
  9. Rs. 5-/- fine per day will be charged after due date including holidays.
  10. Duplicate library card can be issued on payment of Rs 100/- after 15 days of reporting of the loss.
  11. Bags, Laptops, Mobiles, and other individual things will not be allowed in the library.
  12. Eating, drinks and sleeping are not permitted in the library.
  13. Readers should observe strict silence inside the library.
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Amity University Madhya Pradesh
Maharajpura (Opposite Airport)  |  Gwalior – 474 005 (Madhya Pradesh)
Tel: 0751 – 2496025  |  0751 – 2496026  |  0751 – 2496027
E-mail:  |   Website:

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